SL-90 Stone Removal Capsule

SL-90 Stone Removal Capsule
Natural Lithotriptic
Course of Action (COA):
➤ Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura)(R): Known for its diuretic properties, Tribulus terrestris helps in increasing urine production, thereby aiding in the elimination of stones from the urinary tract.
➤ Desmostachya bipinnata (Daabh)(R): This herb possesses lithotriptic properties, assisting in the breakdown of stones into smaller particles for easier elimination.
➤ Saccharum spontaneum (Kaash)(R): These ingredients are renowned for their diuretic and anti inflammatory properties, which help in reducing inflammation and promoting the expulsion of stones.
> Boerhavia diffusa (Punarnava)(R): It acts as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, aiding in the dissolution and elimination of stones.
➤ Zingiber officinale (Sonth) (Rh): Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory andanalgesic properties, providing relief from pain and discomfort associated with urinary stones.
➤ Lapis Judaicus ash (Hazrul Yahud bhasma): This ingredient is traditionally used in Ayurveda for its lithotriptic properties, aiding in the breakdown and expulsion of stones.
➤ Alkali preparation of Raphanus sativus (Moolikshar) and Hordeum vulgare (Yavakshar): These preparations act as alkalizing agents, helping to balance pH levels in the urinary tract, which may assist in dissolving certain types of stones.
Bergenia ligulata (Pashaan Bhed) (L): It possesses diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in the expulsion of stones and reducing inflammation in the urinary tract.
➤ Aegle marmelos (Bilva)(R): It is known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, providing relief from pain and inflammation associated with stone formation.
> Crataeva nurvula (Varun) (Bk): This herb is renowned for its diuretic and lithotriptic properties, aiding in the dissolution and expulsion of urinary stones.
➤ Kalanchoe pinnata (Pathar chatta) (L): It exhibits diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, helping to promote the elimination of stones and reduce inflammation in the urinary tract.
Let Your Kidneys Thrive!”
These capsules are formulated to aid in the dissolution and expulsion of stones in the urinary tract and gallbladder. They help alleviate symptoms associated with kidney stones, ureteral stones, and gallstones including pain, discomfort, and difficulty passing urine.
· Adults: Take 1 capsule twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.
· Children (6-12 years): Take 1 capsule once daily after a meal with lukewarm wateror as directed by a healthcare professional.